Minaccia kamikaze per i Radiohead

Minaccia kamikaze per i RadioheadUn messaggio anonimo viene pubblicato da un sito Internet dedicato ai Radiohead, questa sera in concerto al Lazzaretto.

«Mi farò esplodere al concerto dei Radiohead lunedì 7 luglio a Bergamo. Come hanno fatto i combattenti ceceni». La minaccia è contenuta in un messaggio anonimo in lingua inlese inviato nella giornata di ieri a un forum su Internet (all’indirizzo www.ateaseweb.com) al quale hanno partecipato oltre 400 utenti .

L’autore si dice «stanco del rifiuto occidentale a intervenire in favore del popolo palestinese». L’«unico modo per attirare l’attenzione - spiega l’internauta - è agire come i kamikaze».

Il messaggio integrale pubblicato on line sul forum di discussione:

«I am sick.

sick of the refusal by the west to intervene(especially the british government).

to intervene and help us.

help us get back our home.

we have lived under israeli occupation for more than 30 years. we have been oppressed and torn to shreds by people who have no compassion. we have been thrown out of Gaza and The west strip. we have been interrgoated, forced to act as informers, against our own brothers and sisters..or we will be persecuted by the israelian army. we have become the slaves of our enemies. for Seven long years our brothers and sisters were throwing stones and being killed daily. Nearly all our young men were arrested, the majority were tortured. Do you know what it means for a child to see his father spat at and beaten before his eyes by an Israeli soldier? . So we ’the children of the stone’ have grown sick. sick of everything. sick of the west ignoring our plight.

so we have formed the Intifada - the Uprising. why should we wait for peace? benjamin netanyahu has refused to meet Arafat, he’s refused to free our prisoners, our fathers and their children. netanyahu started to build settlements in jerusalem and drove the remaining palestinians out.

peace is lost when the instigator is just as evil and corrupt as the persecutor

I am sorry but the only way we can get the west to listen to us is to become slaves of freedom. suicide bombers at events that will make people listen, make people think.

my mind is made up at 8pm in bergamo the coup d’etat will happen.

I wish there was another way. and believe me I am very serious».
